Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some things

Since being back in the States I have lacked a supply of interesting experiences about which to write.  Everything just seems rather normal to most people.  Yet some things still stand out to me.

Personally, I’m rather impressed that I can put ice in a glass of water and an hour later it’s still there!  And that I can wash my dishes with tap water, as well as drink it.  I realize the safety of drinking tap water is up for question, but at least I know I’m not going to end up with dysentery. 

Getting back in the driver’s seat was a little intimidating at first.  Generally speaking, I have done very little driving in the last two years and then I pick up a lease car just outside of Los Angeles, CA.  No pressure there!  After two days of travel back to CO, I was feeling pretty comfortable once again.

Then there is the acclimation back to living at > 6,000 feet with temperatures anywhere from 10 to 60 degrees cooler than what I’ve become accustomed.  I cannot sing within 5-10 minutes of coming up the stairs at church, and I’m down from 3 layers of clothes to 2 to try to stay warm.  It’s still snowing here in CO, and I like looking at it, but I prefer looking while I’m inside and warm.

I was excited when I saw squirrels, blue jays, a cardinal, and deer.  And I’m absolutely thrilled to go for a walk in the woods and it be quiet!  I also like the wonderful smell of the woods, especially pines.

Lastly, I still remain a little suspicious of raw fruits and veggies, especially when I hear about E. Coli outbreaks, but I am quite willing to get a salad in a restaurant.  In fact, being able to eat out is still a thrill. The other day I found an African Market, so I went in to investigate.  The proprietor is from Ghana and she was quite excited to speak with someone that has recently been at her ‘home’.  This last weekend I took my pastor, his wife and a young man from my church that is called to Africa as a missionary to eat there, and she brought plate after plate of food.  It was a nice reminder of some of the foods I learned to enjoy.  PTL, she allowed me to give tracts to and invite the other clientele to church.  I met folks from Liberia, Cameroon and Ghana.  I’m praying they’ll come to church and that I’ll have opportunity to verbally give them a gospel witness.

I’m very blessed to have been born and raised in America – truly God has shed His grace on us.  I just pray that we His children will humble ourselves and pray and seek His face so that He would continue to bless our nation. 

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