Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lights, camera, action! Take two!

Okay, so I'm not in Ghana this morning.  I'm still in Pennsylvania.  Thunderstorms and tornado watches delayed both Kristine's flight out of Atlanta, and my flight out of PA, and our arrival time to Dulles Airport in Washington was too late to make the connection.  Thankfully, I was easily rebooked to Wednesday, March 2 - same flight schedule.  However, Kristine didn't get that kind of assistance.  Please pray that we will be able to get on the same flight, or at least the same day, so the folks picking us up don't have to wait forever in Accra. 
On a more serious note, I ask your prayers for Mrs. Joyce Todd, a missionary that has fallen and broken her femur.  She has been taken to a hospital in Ivory Coast, and is scheduled to have surgery March 2.  Bro. Johnnie Todd (her late husband) played a significant role in discipling Dr. Kadio, the doctor with whom I will work.
Also, please pray for Dave Smith, a volunteer on a construction/mission trip to Uganda.  While helping to replace the roof on the orphanage he fell 20 feet onto concrete.  He has head and shoulder injuries and will be flown to the capitol, Kampala, today.

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